The following instructions are determined by the Cosmic Forces of Creation and apply to Planet Earth as directives of immediate, priority and urgent character, which must be applied in a pragmatic way by the inhabitants of the Planet, and mainly adopted by all nations, and adhered to by the leaders and individuals with decision-making powers that form the set of socio-economic policies and those related to the environment and Spirituality. The Planet Eartth and its inhabitants, all beings of the mineral, vegetal, animal, and human species are under a great threat. Although the manifestation of this inminent threat appears to be coming from the outside, is indeed of internal human being consciousness dissonance, the only specie actually diverging from the Creation Recommendations and Natural Laws. The following directives are to be implemented throughly without hesitation. Time is working either way, favoring and opposing the existence. There are already queued on the timeline of the Earth events some of disastrous proportions as unavoidable consequences of the past actons, as well as others that are still being consolidated according to the present choices. Behold the future. It is yours to make. Salome.
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